Monday, October 6, 2014

Watcha Watchin? And OOOPA!

For a person who sees herself as not really a television watcher, I seem to get awfully excited this time of year when shows start to come back around. Some shows are pure escapism and others feed minor plot devices into the system. Since I spent a bit of last week catching up on a few shows I didn't manage to finish last season, television is what is on my mind, so I thought I'd talk about what has me all hot and bothered...

The Early Entries...

These two started in August and one is already GONE for several months, but they take top marks for getting me in the mood for new TV:

Outlander: I'd had this series recommended in book form, so while I hadn't gotten to it, I was excited to see the show. And... KILTS. The show is excellent and I do plan to request the books for Christmas. I am just frustrated that all we got was 8 episodes before a LONG break...

Doctor Who: I am IN LOVE with Capaldi as the 12th Doctor. He's been divine and the change in him has really improved Clara by leaps and bounds, too.

Just Started...

Castle: I have probably admitted this, but I could watch Nathan Fillion fold socks and be happy, but I also love the rest of this cast, and mysteries have always been one of my favorite genres of television. So far I have loved the first two—very nice start.

Revenge: This one struggled for a bit, but I think maybe it's found its legs again

Once Upon a Time: There is a fresh premise this season that I am pretty excited about... something about villains getting a happy ending—I love a good twist.

Coming Soon...

Arrow. I cannot WAIT for Arrow.

I am still really missing Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, and Orphan Black, but I suppose we all need something to yearn for.

Greek Festival in Portland

I got a text yesterday—my best friend had just left the Greek Festival in Portland and was thinking about me... you see, Greek Festival 26 years ago is where I met my husband. That is why, as American mutts, we have adopted Greek Culture as ours, so go break a plate and yell OOOPA, will ya?

Writing Progress

And the edit on What Ales Me is going pretty well. I think I'm on pace to finish by mid month. I have 100 pages left for careful edit, a new ending to write, and then the final check for pacing and overused words.

Things I am less thrilled about...


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Let's hear it for winter!
Castle is awesome because of Fillion. Not sure I'd watch him fold socks, but maybe if he was snarky while he did it I would.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I cannot wait for Game of Thrones! We'll be having a marathon in our house before it starts again. And I am beyond excited that The Walking Dead is starting soon! In the middle of that marathon now.... :)

Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

Sarah Ahiers said...

We have officially given up on Doctor Who, even though i love Capaldi. But i get my Capaldi fill from the BBC's The Musketeers (there are some hunky men in there. You might like)

Also, though. YAY FOR ARROW! Are you going to watch The Flash, too?

Unknown said...

In addition to most of these, I got sucked in to Forever, How To Get Away With Murder, The Mysteries of Laura...and, oh yeah, The Red Band Society (assuages my YA fetish). I'm definitely cutting Revenge out of my life for good (the show and the thing). It's not conducive!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's cute you met your husband at the Geek Festival. I wish I'd known about it when I lived in Oregon.

Andrew Leon said...

Being a year behind on everything makes it difficult to be excited for the new season.

Helena said...

Me, I'm watching Sleepy Hollow and Grimm and Downton Abbey. Of course the poster you have of Arrow makes me want to check that show out too.

I do NOT want winter. No no no...

Carol Kilgore said...

I watch a different batch of shows, but I know what you mean. I am not ready for winter. Even though we don't really have Winter here, we really have SUMMER. So South Texas winters feel colder than they are.