Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Taking Over the World

[Or, an absurd take on the Insecure Writer’s Support Group]

Holy COW! Is it first Wednesday again? I almost blogged on… well, same topic, actually, but I had no plans to cleverly link it to insecurity and support for my fellow writerly sorts… but here we have it. A perfectly appropriate topic!

Be sure to get around to OTHER insecure writers today, too. You will make all of us feel more loved…

Branding a la Tart

So you know how they tell you when you talk about publishing that you need to BRAND yourself? And how they don’t mean burning an image on your skin, though somehow that sounds far less painful?

And you think about what you want people to think of when they think of you?

Well I have a secret. This is BACKWARD. You don’t want people to think of STUFF when they think of you… You want them, when they think of STUFF to have their mind pop to YOU! Then you will ALWAYS be on the brain! And see, isn’t that better than having the mind wander off to another topic when they think of YOU?

So here is the strategy. Find some obscure thing and OWN IT.

I mean it doesn’t have to be THAT obscure… in fact you WANT it to be something that comes up in their life somewhat regularly. But find a couple oddball things you are really enthusiastic about that people might encounter every once in a while…

I will use myself as an example (knowing all my obscure fetishes and all)

NAKED (and hating pants)
LLAMAS (and alpacas)
MISATTRIBUTING (meaning intentionally misunderstanding to create innuendo)

I am vocal enough about loving these things that pretty much anyone I encounter more than a couple times thinks of ME when they cross these topics. I get Facebook posts on my wall ALL THE TIME.

Or take our fearless leader, Alex… I can’t encounter Kate Beckinsale or Ninjas without thinking of Alex.

Now this may not seem like the most sophisticated form of branding you’ve ever seen, but it sure is fun and easy. And you know what? When strangers you meet in person can rattle off a few things that you love? That is REALLY gratifying. And if they think of YOU when they hear about something, they will get regular reminders to see what the heck you are up to… is your book out yet? Have you achieved fame and fortune?

You see, you are tapping the WORLD as your advertising.

And that’s just smart.

Did I mention easy?  Always best to be easy. *shifty*
(THAT was misattributing)


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Love your thoughts on branding! You're right--we usually do think of it completely backwards.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yes! I was going to say I own Ninjas. Kate is a bonus.
Naked llamas - Hart. I think of you every time.

Old Kitty said...

Lovely Tart!! When I think of NAKED I always think of you!! Yay!!! Take care

Talli Roland said...

Haha! Love your thoughts on branding!

ViolaNut said...

Hmmm... based on what people post on my wall, I seem to own otters, hedgehogs and knitting. Also cats. Sweet. The internet is made of cats. ;-D

Alison DeLuca said...

I will always think of you if anyone mentions bathtubs and Naked in the same sentence. Of course, it's also true if someone says "Talented cozy and fantasy author who runs one hell of a great blog."

Meanwhile, I hope that people think of me if they hear: a) Rupert Grint is swoon-worthy
b) steampunk typewriters, since those things get bandied about a lot
and c) Hoagie Dip (don't ask.)

vic caswell said...

i don't have these kinds of things, but i should really think about doing something like that...

but it totally works! not so much the llamas, but the nudity! i also think of hannah kinkade when i think of no pants as well. you two might just be sisters from a different mister.

M.J. Fifield said...

My parents like wearing clothes...

This entire post is too funny and very true. Especially the part about Alex.

Unknown said...

My first month in IWSG Hart (I know, I'm lame AND late), and this is easily the most insightful post I've read. Llamas, no pants, and innuendo--sounds like a couple of bachelor parties I've attend if I'm being completely honest. :-D

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Hart .. I don't think I'm going this route .. now long socks in the tube with lots of hairy legs - no thanks ... cheers I'll keep my own insecurities .. Hilary

Tamara said...

Awesome post Hart and definitely a great idea. I would've never thought of it. Thanks for the advice!

(And ninjas always remind me of Alex now)

Johanna Garth said...

I will confess that every time I read the word misattributing in this post, my eyes saw masturbating and I was all like, What? Is that her brand? Naked masturbating? No, that can't be right. Although...actually I think I need to stop talking/writing. Thanks for making me giggle through misattribution!

Joe said...

It works.

Every time I ride by Domino Farms I see llamas. You have no idea how many photos of goofy llamas I have almost taken and posted to your wall ;-)

Tonja said...

You're right about the normal idea of branding being backward.

Becky Fyfe said...

I love your backward idea of branding. Sounds good to me!

Unknown said...

Genius. That is all.

Green Monkey said...

Hello, I'm also visiting from IWSG. Fun first Wed. post.

Helena said...

I gotta say, whenever I hear advocacy for nakedness, I think of you. Maybe my brand can be Covering Up My Cellulite!

Tess Julia said...

I never thought of it like that, but you may just be on to something there. Nice meeting you- you seem like a lot of fun!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Nice to meet you naked Hart. I'm Spunky Diane.

Michael Di Gesu said...

A terrific spin on this subject... Well done.

Michelle Wallace said...

Well, this is a whole new way of looking at branding... a refreshing angle...
Nice to meet you Ms.Naked Hart... I'm musical Michelle!