Monday, November 19, 2012


So I think it’s only fitting, in light of recent events, if we all go into a period of mourning. Because not only will there be no more Ding Dongs, Twinkies or Ho-Hos, but if you look at the documentation on the Zombie Apocalypse, we are losing a national treasure in food that lasts a lifetime… cakes that would last years… decades… after they were produced… for those special occasions when other sources of sugar, yeast and electricity are gone. (though, I have an uncle who can bake a mean cake in a Dutch oven buried in sand with a fire built over the top).

In fact... this HAD to be what the Mayans were referring to, don't you think?

All one needs to do is watch Zombieland to know how critical Twinkies are to survival of the species.

And because I look at it as my duty to keep you alert as to the dangers… the Apocalypse might not look like you expect…

We might not recognize the Apocalypse that is coming… it could take lots of forms…

One of the latest options I’ve seen is this:

Or this ever-more-likely scenario...

* The idea of the end of Twinkie… erm… Hostess… being what the Mayans meant by the Apocalypse comes from my friend Annette, though in retrospect, it seems self-evident.

Also wik: Blog plan this week… this today, Alison tomorrow, and then a blog Friday…

And don't forget to head over to Leigh's blog--she is doing a giveaway leading up to her Rouge blog tour.


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I was so sorry to hear about Hostess! Had a Twinkie in my lunchbox every single day, growing up. I think you might be onto something with the Mayans! They must have been referring to the Hostess Apocalypse. :)

Trisha said...

As a deprived Australian I've never eaten any of these things (at least not that I remember. haha). But I did tell a friend when I heard about this that I always imagined Twinkies to stay in your stomach for eternity after you had swallowed them :P I mean if they last on the shelf that long, surely they can withstand stomach acid?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's right - Hollywood may never find his Twinkies now!!!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

'K, so I live under a rock. They are getting rid of TWINKIES!! What has this world come to?? Oh, my... must mourn.

Great post!

Anonymous said...

No more Twinkie the Kid. Wow! I remember those commercials where he would lasso the kids and pull them into a cartoon commercial.

Tina said...

LOVE the idea of the Mayans predicting the end of the twinkie....LMAO. But that's the norm when I come here...
Tina @ Life is Good

Tamara Narayan said...

Alpacalypse!? Rockin' awesome. There are alpaca farms in our area and besides knitting mittens and scarve from the critters, these folks make stuffed toys that are so soft it's sinful. It is with much restraint that I have not purchased one. Okay, they cost a mint. But I might let an alpaca munch on my arm if if meant I could pet it.

Southpaw said...

I hadn't heard this very sad news. I was under a rock next to SA Larsen and hadn't heard. sniff, sniff

mshatch said...

dammit I love HoHos! I didn't realize Hostess made them, too.

Helena said...

Twinkies I could live without, but Hostess Sno Balls? That is indeed an Apocalypse of another childhood pleasures I have shameless carried into adulthood.