Sleeping In
My favorite feature is the sleeping in part. I sometimes wonder if I would be adept at life if I had no day job. I certainly would get more sleep, which I don't have time for. I do love those two days though, when I get to lay in bed until ten, not least because my husband gets up around eight and I can SPRAWL.
I don't like GOING to sleep in a sprawl. I don't go to sleep well when he's gone. That's what twenty years (when we first moved in together) will do to you, I suppose. And there is an association with fighting—maybe if one of us traveled a lot it wouldn't be that way, but as it is, even if we AREN'T fighting, if he isn't there, it seems like we are.

Laundry: Weekends are my laundry days. I don't really have feelings about washing and drying clothes one way or the other, except better me than them. My husband is inclined to wash three things at a time *rolls eyes* and my daughter mixes her things together irregardless of color (and dries her bras—something one cannot do and expect them to hold form--then she begs for new ones).
Folding laundry on the other hand, is the punishment from the third ring of hell... endless days of looking for the damn matching sock. It is a little better if I can convince the kids to scram, as I can put in a movie I want to watch while I do it (only one of our TVs has a DVD player, and they monopolize it if they are here.
Shopping: I hate to shop. I know... some of you girly-princess types ADORE it, but I'm a womanly-EMPRESS type and I'M NAKED. What on earth would a naked empress need to shop for? You got it... her SPAWN. Her spawnlings LIKE to take her shopping so that she can spend money she doesn't have on things they claim they need.
The daughter claims to need a second pair of Happy Bottom pants... no, that's not right... Hard Tails... These are pretty much high end yoga pants, and I remember being her age and hating jeans because I was bigger than my friends and felt like they looked lousy. Jeans give the painful reminder every time you grow a little... fail to exercise... and I didn't see that as a benefit until I was in my twenties and knew I NEEDED a reality check now and then or I would just misbehave... So I can see the appeal, but I have a VERY hard time not insisting she should just wear the Target brand (though she is right that they get holes pretty quickly--we will see if these last better)
Son wants expensive shoes for his ever-growing feet. They are a size thirteen... Age 11 and he has the biggest feet in my house. He seems to have had a growth spurt this summer too. I think he is five-eight—certainly as tall as my daughter (who is possibly done growing). My husband is about 6'2” if he stands up straight (which he rarely does) so the son will one day be tallest, too... Very strange, that...
Speaking of misbehaving...
I didn't even TRY this week on the diet. Not one stitch. And the scale has taken its revenge. I need to get back on track BADLY and am having a heck of time getting back on track. I know myself well enough to know it won't work to 'just do it'--I need a marker of sorts, so school starting is it. I am going to try not to be too BAD until then... try not to gain any more of it back... but acting in the positive... THAT is hard. Best to do it at a time that we are 'beginning' things anyway... so the Tuesday after Labor day.
Editing: Slow going. I am TYPING Chapter 17 (of 21, but 21 is very short). I am short on words—extrapolating, almost 15,000 short, though I have a list of things to get in there.... some of them ongoing plot points... I think though, one of the things I REALLY need to weave in better is Roanoke and the Gardening.
So a PLEA: Any of you garden avidly and lovingly in a zone 7? I need your help! Just to chat a little about the things you love... get a feel for what you like to grow... email me!
And finally... it is my mother's 63rd birthday. She and I are still having a rough time, though we aren't 'not speaking' anymore. Her reality just still never touches real reality and it drives me crazy. But my KIDS are going out to see their nana and papa this week, so that will be good. Strange to put your children on a plane and send them across country without you, but they should be able to handle it—they flew one direction alone two years ago (though were young enough then for the airline escort between gates). My daughter is 15 and has flown quite a bit and my son is 11 and logical. I am VERY glad airports are closed to non-passengers, and am glad the airports they change planes in are Minneapolis and Salt Lake, as those are both clean, easily laid out and full of people happy to help if you just ask. It will be good for all of them to spend some time together though.
So there we have it... my rambling life at a glance...
Spawnlings? I like that word, Hart.
I don't sleep well at all without my wife next to me. We both cling to our side of the bed, so it's not the lack of touch - it's just knowing she's not there that bugs me.
20 years? You shacked-up when you were 8? I'd be scared shitless to put my kids on a plane, but I'm sure I'll outgrow that by the time she grows.
Re Sleeping in – it always leaves me feline great.
The laundry – you must iron out a few of your differences.
Shopping – you must get more purchase in your relationship.
Your diet – there’s only a slim chance that it’ll work.
Re Your Editing – It’ll 'urt your 'ead.
Have a nice weekend, Boonsong
oh yah - so much I can relate to. I'm not a real sleeper inner anymore but this morning I read in bed til nine - that's huge. I like lazy weekends and I like there to be some shape to them as well (my work life is open enough). I didn't go to the market because my step-dot didn't want to so that has made me uneasy all day. I did sew a hem on curtains for Felix's room and they look good enough! Not a sewer. His room is almost ready. And tomorrow night we're having friends for dinner. Sue (the female of the pals) and I decided since we all four are in some misery about our kids, step-kids etc...(moving, acting weird, sad) we would have the first ANNUAL LOW EXPECTATIONS DINNER! I'll keep you posted. Sue said "should I bring dessert?" and I said "Nah, just intend to but don't..." Maybe we'll wear our pj's and lie around eating grilled cheeses and watching Chaplin movies. Hard to say.
Alex--yeah we sometimes cuddle a little, but not for the most part... it is the 'sensed lack of presence'
Will-The paranoia definitely will go down when she gets sassy... should happen in about a year and a half--especially if you bring her a brother.
Boonsong *snicker* Nice puns!
Jan-I LOVE IT! Low expectations dinner at our house would probably involve chips and salsa... possibly nachos... the idea is fabulous, though. And it sounds like you sew like I do... I can do curtains, blankets or costumes, but nothing meant to be taken too seriously. Sorry you didn't get to market!
Awww Happy birthday to your mum! Ya know I love my mum too but I cannot bring myself to speak to her - she's a proper Amazonian Mamma who if given the chance will rule the Universe with such dictatorial and tyrannical grip I really will wish I was never related. But she's lovely really! LOL!!
Weekends - housework, shopping, sleeping. I knew there were reasons why I look forward to the weekends too! :-)
Good luck with the editing!!!!
Take care
It's amazing to see how the kids that grow up today seam to be confident about traveling. This spring my 16 yo boy traveled alone across the Atlantic to Canada, with transit on Heathrow Airport in London. No worries, no problems. "I jusk ask someone", he said. Apparently I was more nervous than him.
Cold As Heaven
My mom always told me that there would be a time when I wouldn't be able to sleep in anymore. I am 34 and I am still waiting...
I have no idea of the pants of which you speak. I am a clueless man.
My mother is 63 too. Unfortunately she likes Dan Brown and Steig Larsson, so we are on shaky terms too.
Jenny, my mom is more passive-aggressive... If she was just trying to take over, I could take her. Instead she pretends to be supportive my kindly suggesting everything we are doing wrong and gets offended when I tell her she's crossed a line...
CaH-Across the OCEAN at 16?! That's impressive! And Heathrow is huge. He sounds like he has a good head on his shoulder.
Cheeseboy-I'm 44 and still love to sleep in, so I think you've got time.
Doc--Oh, to be torn over literature... You know, there are some famous authors that were born in '47... a fair few...
A woman who hates shopping...I love it! Oh, do you realize you used 'irregardless'? Sorry, couldn't resist!
I love sleeping in (got up at 11:30 today, though I was at a wedding last night, so I think I have an alcohol-induced excuse). I never sleep well without the hubby, and we've only been together 10 years. I don't think it takes much to get used to the person being there, but the shock of them being gone is pretty tough.
I flew by myself for the first time when I was 7 or 8, and at least 3 more times again before I no longer needed the escort. Military family = family far away. Plus, I'm an only, so I didn't have any bro/sis to go with me. At least I liked to read :) If they're your kids, I'm sure their smart, so they'll be just fine.
Good luck with the editing. If you're on 17 and you need 15K more, sounds like you've got some wiggle room.
I slacked this week too- was resting because I was running a half marathon today, and also did a fair bit of carb loading for the same reason (chocolate counts as card, doesn't it?). And then I sprained an ankle and didn't run, so the extra inches stay put!
And I dislike folding clothes too, and am counting the days till I can start sleeping in on weekends. No great fan of shopping either. And happy birthday Mamma Hart- without you I would not have my TT.
Typing Chapter 17? When are you sending me Chapter 13 to 16? I am going to have breathing time this week, and have been putting off reading Chapter 10 and 11 together, till I have more to read.
Hart - What a fun post. The joys of laundry. My kids have been doing it for a while now. LOL. It's awesome. I do have to go in and HELP out (okay MAKE them put more than three things in the washing machine at a time), but overall it's been heaven.
And I'm the same with the sleeping arrangement. I must have half the bed, BUT he has to be on the other half. LOL Have a great Sunday.
Ted--yes... hate shopping... why does foxfire not screen irregardless... I almost never use it but am I supposed to NEVER never use it?
Rosie, I'm an only, too. Though not military and was old before family moed far away, so my traveling alone didn't start until I was 19... Wiggle room... that is the good way to look at it. I've just usually done more CUTTING in my edits.
Natasha--13-17 have been MESSY--you up for a big job? I'd LOVE the help, but had been thinking I should give it a sweep first... I will send and explain...
RaShelle- I stick to my side while he's there, but sprawl in the morning and LOVE it. It's true that it is fast to get used to him there and slower to go the other way... I think... actually Bob is my first nightly bed partner... I had other boyfriends, but not cohabitating...
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