Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Blank Page

Hallo fine peoples! Welcome to First Wednesday, otherwise known as the Insecure Writer Support Group!

So here's the deal I haven't finished a novel for two years, as of this WriMo. Well, 23 months, as that WriMo was my last success... only I didn't finish it, so... yeah. I had great plans for this year, but I haven't done the prep work I really need. Still, I am going to rebel... write words to the tune of 50K, but write them finishing things. Or starting things. Or... just writing. I just need to get back to writing. The discipline of sitting down every day. It is overdue.

And of course the timely question for this November monthly meeting: Win or not, do you usually finish your NaNo project? Have any of them gone on to be published?

Yes. Usually. The history for me is a good one. Though I should give the caveat that I usually finish the FIRST DRAFT. Getting a work ready for submission is another matter entirely. But I “won” 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 and I think all but two of those got “finished”. Only two however, got polished.

At the moment however, I just need to get back to the habit. I need to write words.

How about you? Do you WriMo? How often do you succeed?

Now go visit other insecure people and be supportive!!!


Jan Morrison said...

It's really a waste of resources for us to be two people.
Write on!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you and I will be doing NaNo this month for similar reasons. I, too, am mostly after the daily writing habit that NaNo cultivates. Thanks for the post, and good luck with your 2017 project!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Do it your way and just get back in the habit. I need to as well.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Use it to kick you in the butt even if it's a hot mess afterwards.

Andrew Leon said...

Writing consistently has been tough lately.

Tamara Narayan said...

I feel ya. I need to get back into the writing habit myself.

M.J. Fifield said...

I "lost" NaNo twice and "won" four or five times, maybe. And out of all those words, I have yet to actually complete a story. Still love participating, though. Best of luck to you!

cleemckenzie said...

Getting back into a habit is half the battle for me. Once I'm there, I can move on, but man does it take me time to re-establish those patterns. Good luck.

Nick Wilford said...

You just need to write 50k. It doesn't all need to be the same story. You've got a great history with NaNo. Even if not every story gets polished, it's all great experience.

Helena said...

I'm so distracted with my inability to promote my two (finally in print) Charity MacCay novels that I haven't worked on anything new. But the good news is I have FINALLY(!) figured out the plot to my sci fi novel, so maybe I'll finish it in the coming year (never mind a NaNo month). May your own writing go splendidly, Hart!

Botanist said...

Never been tempted by NaNo. My writing process as a whole is so much slower and more measured, but it gets me there eventually. However I am full of admiration for those who can make it work for them.

Looked back on a few of your recent posts and it looks like you're having a tough year :( I like to look on this writing business as a marathon, not a sprint, and you nailed it when you talked about discipline. The only way to get through it is to keep up the habit of showing up, day after day. One foot in front of the other. I wish you well!

Anonymous said...

I'm like you in having to sit my butt in a chair and commit to writing every day. So far, the 365 Writing Club and 10 Minute Novelists on Facebook have helped with my motivation. I didn't win NaNo this year (plan on finishing the first draft this month), but usually I win. The two books I ended up publishing were One By One and Six Plus One, both took me a year or two to polish up before even attempting to find an editor.

Keep smiling,

erica and christy said...

I attempted Nano. I wrote 13k... Gah! New goal: Finish by Christmas! Reality Goal: Finish by February! Hope your month went better than mine did! Christy