Saturday, December 20, 2014

7th Day of Christmas

On the 7th day of Christmas the Tart's true wish for you, is 7 Nice surprises
6 Inspirations
5 Brand New Books!
4 Old Connections
3 Second helpings
2 Christmas parties
And the patience to shop and stay sane!

Why 7 surprises? Lemme esplain. No... is too much. Lemme sum up...

Surprises raise the heart rate and force us to adapt, no matter how small the way... this is something that, even in the case of GOOD surprises can end up hard on your health. If you are a person who likes LOTS of surprises, then more power to you, but I think most of us just want a moderate number, and PLEASE, let those be of the positive sort...


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We want the surprise of a great review, not a crappy one.
And bonus points for the Princess Bride reference.

Anonymous said...

Great to read, love your version of the 12 days of Christmas,