Sunday, January 19, 2014

Brief Break

See... LOTS of ducks.
I hate to do this. I feel like the blog keeps me attached to so many of you, but for months now, with my job transition, I've done it VERY badly. Well now I've reached a real crunch time at work, where things would, should I try to continue, get even worse, so I am taking the rest of January to try to align my ducks, so to speak.  The hopefully I can come back at a reasonable pace in February and get back to dropping in on all of you... So... Until February, if you need me, I will still check email and Facebook, so you can reach me...


Trisha said...

Good luck getting your little duckies in a row - your ducks are cute! :D

I look forward to your return but totally get that overwhelmed feeling!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Do what you have to do, Hart!

mshatch said...

sometimes breaks are necessary - see you in February :)

Helena said...

Love the duckie photo.

Stay sane and see you soon. Take care.

Old Kitty said...

Awwww lovely Tart!!! You take care and be good (well in the most NAKEDest sense...) LOL! and come back soon!!! Sending you lots of kitty kisses and purrs! Take care

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

No worries! Take care! :)

Chris said...

Hi Hart, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

Sarah Ahiers said...

Enjoy your break!!

Yolanda Renée said...

Get caught up, chill, and come back full of information and new stories!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Hart, boy, do I understand. Don't worry about us, we are still here.

Hope that you are staying warm. I have time for my blog friends today because our school is closed due to the freezing rain.

Kathy M.