So without further ado, welcome Crystal!

What is it that makes a piece of art really shine--be it the written word, a painting, sculpture, etc?
Any piece of art creates a mood and invokes an emotional response. That's what you find at its core, the artist's passion. And where do we find that passion?
If you want to make your art more powerful, isolate experiences in life where you've felt extreme passions and channel that emotion into what you're creating.
While I was revising MOONLESS, my father was diagnosed with
stage four cancer. Being close to home, I helped with his care, and sat
with him through the last night of his life. It was my responsibility to administer relief through drugs or not, to try and wet his dry throat, to comfort him through his last hours.
stage four cancer. Being close to home, I helped with his care, and sat
with him through the last night of his life. It was my responsibility to administer relief through drugs or not, to try and wet his dry throat, to comfort him through his last hours.
a death bed, and although what takes place there is very different, the scene
draws heavily on a reality I lived through. It’s these experiences that ground
a work of art and really ring true to the reader. It's these experiences that help us come together in an understanding of the human condition.
Now you ask, so what's with the cheese?
Cheese is the best food. Cheese makes the world go round. Cheese equals happiness. (And if you responded to that by scoffing and referencing chocolate, you need to read my post where cheese and chocolate go toe to toe.)
Now get out and do some living, eh?

MOONLESS is Jane Eyre meets Supernatural.
"MOONLESS is powerful, compelling, and packed with soul." --Bethany Kaczmarek, editor at A Little Red, Inc.
"I fell head over heels for the characters." --TC Mckee, BookFish Books
"Power-packed action, heart stopping mystery, unpredictable twists and turns..." --I Am a Reader Not a Writer
And Crystal has a rafflecopter giveaway going on, too... if you'd like to join...
Buy MOONLESS HERE or add it on Goodreads.
Crystal Collier, author of MOONLESS, is a former composer/writer for Black Diamond Productions. She can be found practicing her brother-induced ninja skills while teaching children or madly typing about fantastic and impossible creatures. She has lived from coast to coast and now calls Florida home with her creative husband, three littles, and “friend” (a.k.a. the zombie locked in her closet). Secretly, she dreams of world domination and a bottomless supply of cheese.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Crystal, sorry about your father. I'm sure he appreciated your presence and kindness.
Wait, I have to go outside to do this living thing? No way!
Besides, there's no cheese outside.
@Alex, thanks.
@Andrew--But you can bring the cheese out with you. ;)
Hart, thank you so much for having me here today. You rock!
I am sorry to hear about your father. You might be related to my mother-she loves cheese ;D
Congrats Crystal!
Hi Hart-naked always grabs one's attention~
I am so, so sorry to hear about your father. What a tragic thing to go through!
I completely agree about tapping into real-life experiences, though. I do this as well for my own projects!
Crystal, I am sorry about your father; having a daughter like you during those days must have been comforting for him.
I've seen your Moonless book before (LOVE the cover) and it's now on my to-buy list. Take care.
Oh, and I am the biggest cheese lover in the world.
Wow... Crystal, I had no idea what you've had to deal with. I'm so sorry, and I'm so amazed that you finished and published this incredible book while all of that was happening. I have a lot of respect for your caring, generosity, and dedication.
And yes - cheese CAN help with everything, I think.
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