Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Find a Mentor!!!

Halo fine friends! I’m on the road and not blogging, but I HAVE been revising… big revising… and hit a theme that I thought addressed the Insecure Writer’s Theme well, and so I thought I’d share and hit that first Wednesday with it.

First: don’t forget to visit all the OTHER insecure writers!!!

So know how this writing stuff is HARD? And you just think you master one task and suddenly there is another giant task in front of you? You write the book, then you need to edit the book, then you need to write a query or a synopsis or a book blurb or cover copy or you need to market yourself… There is ALWAYS SOMETHING!!!

Well I’ve found the KEY!!! There is always a selection of people who have ALREADY done what you want to do next!!! And you can follow them around and emulate them and learn from them and it makes it SO MUCH EASIER! Which is not to say easy, but there is a sort of manual, if you will.

Right now I am editing what was written as a BOOK (A Shot in the Light), but I’ve decided to release it SERIALLY. So I am following Susan Kaye Quinn around shamelessly, and reading both her Debt Collector series and Hugh Howey’s Wool series.

So whatever you are doing, find someone you think is doing it right, and settle down to learn from the pro! I think that is the beauty of writing… people WANT to help others. It is one of the few fields where the more great books there are, the more readers there will be, so it helps us ALL to help each other out and in every case I’ve encountered, people love being told you admire what they are doing, so are HAPPY to help out!

18 comments: said...

Looking toward the pros in the field who've walked where you want to walk is great advice. I've found writers are a pretty helpful bunch if they know you're serious and willing to reciprocate. Great IWSG post!

(This Writer's Growing)

Natalie Aguirre said...

Susan is awesome. That's great that you're learning from her experiences.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Susan is a smart writer to follow! Good advice here.

Anonymous said...

Great advice and a great post.


Unknown said...

Very good advice, especially for Indie writers without the big marketing stratagies that a publisher can provide!

Unknown said...

Great advice Hart!
It proves we are not just products of our own imaginings.
~Just Jill

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Big fan of WOOL! Looking forward to reading the SHIFT omnibus and then DUST. :)

Unknown said...

Some good advice here-- I'm really liking IWSG this time around.

Molly/Cece said...

I treasure every mentor I've ever had. I do. I love your thought about the more great books, the more readers. Love it.

Old Kitty said...

Yay for learning from the lovely Susan!!! What a most NAKED thing to do!! Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That Wool series was huge.
Andrew Leon has been releasing his latest a a serial. Think he's almost to the end.
We've missed you, Hart!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Too true Hart. We can all learn from someone, so why not the best?

Misha Gerrick said...

Great idea! I definitely see the sense in your advice.

Best of luck with revisions! :-)

Trisha said...

Great idea indeed, to learn from those who are already doing it right!

Love SKQ's books, or what I've read so far. Have a lot more to read yet. ;)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Hart - there's always things to learn round and about the blogosphere .. I quite agree with you ...

Finding a mentor for all aspects of life is so helpful .. cheers Hilary

Michelle Wallace said...

Great advice. It makes perfect sense.
Everyone needs a mentor at some stage of the journey...
Writer In Transit

Sarah Ahiers said...

This is a huge reason why i'm so excited i was accepted into the MFA program, because each semester i'll have a mentor who will help me grow.

Helena said...

I have met some wonderful writers and people in general on the Internet, including you, Hart darling. As soon as my reading schedule lightens up, I want to check out the Wool series and Susan's book. So many wonderful books, so little time...