It is Insecure Writer's First Wednesday, eh? (are you impressed I remembered?) And I'm definitely going through it... (can't jump over it... can't swim under it... can't go around it... gotta go through it!) *cough*
My current worry is whether I have the freaking stamina for this thing.
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Apparently THIS is the Long Haul... |
I've been blogging for nearly three years now... and I've seen blogger friends burn out... and I always thought, “I love this WAY too much for that to happen.”
And I'm not burnt out, exactly, so much as for the first time in that time, life has really bitten me in the butt (and not in a good way). And to ME, blogging has always been fun, zany insanity... but not INSANE insanity...
But of course life, over a couple years, will hit ALL of us who are... you know... living... like that.
So what is the standard? Does it bore the crap out of my readers if I post ANYWAY as a big giant whiny pants? Never mind that you all KNOW my policy about PANTS (say it with me: Pants are evil. Down with pants!) I've already taken a break for a while. How long will the good will last before I have to really buck it up and be ME again?
And when I've been flacid and ineffectual of late, where the heck is the VIAGRA to stand erect again? Anybody know of any networking viagra?
So I encourage all of you to get to as many insecure peeps as possible today... And if you FIND that Viagra (other than the LOLZ Cats, which work, but are addictive) spread it around...
I'm never bored!
There are days I wonder if I can keep doing it. But I just look at all of my awesome followers and know I can let them down.
The long haul is very long. Just run through it naked, Hart, and you'll be all right.
Pants are evil! Down with pants!!
Let's get NAKED! NAKED rocks!
Take care
But I like you when you're whiny! You remind me of me! :)
Take a break if you need to, but it would be a loss if you went away forever.
I was cranky, but you pulled out a Transformers pic for reference. Day = made.
Thanks for the laugh! When you make your own's okay that you break them!
I haven't written my IWS post yet, ironically because i'm not feeling very supportive. I should probably just write a post about that, but, meh. When i'm feeling a little blue, i usually just ignore it and it goes away.
I think your flacidity (giggity) is just temporary and brought about by a whole bunch of random crap all happening at the same time right now. I'm sure it will pass in its own time
bwha ha ha ha haaaaaa!
bitten in the butt- and not in a good way! i could hardly read the rest of the post!
*tears sting eyes*
I think I need to join the insecure writer's group. Loving all these posts today. Thanks for making me smile. :-)
Hi nice to meet you. Came over from the IWS. So, like what is it in the water or something? I'm finding that living out loud, can makes you hoarse.
I'll be back.
Networking viagra...hehe!
Sometimes you need those moments to take a breath and a break. And LOLZ Cats usually work too.
There are definitely days when I wake up and wonder what and how and why I'm spending so much time on social networking!
Then there's my mother, who keeps saying, someone should really pick your column up. Okay, I know, it's my mother but you understand. Some days are good, some days are bad and I try to flow with it. Sorry you've had more than your share of the bad lately.
I love those cats!! :) And I agree, sometimes I just don't feel clever and like blogging, but it's okay to not always wanna blog every day. It gives you more time to live life too. :)
The cat picture got me! I would blog what satisfies you. If sounding off satisfies you, then do it. Some good blogging can be healthy for the soul.
You know how it goes, some days half full some half empty. It is what you put in the glass that counts :)
Loved your post :) I'm blog-hopping two. I'm new to blogosphere and love meeting all these amazing writers :) Loved the cat in the bra- lol.
I'm a new follower so I'll enjoy stalking you! :)
I think the new year and the new energy was my networking viagra. Of course, if it's been effective for more than four hours, does that mean there's a problem?
<3 Gina Blechman
As soon as I clicked on your blog, I thought, that Tart, she's always so funny. Your blog is terrific. I'd miss it if it weren't out there in the blogosphere. Sometimes, we need to take breaks, but then come back with new energy and ideas.
Here's a little love for you. Your blog is yours so if you want to be whiny and snivel a bit you may find that there are others feeling the same way that day. I commented on another writer's post today that part of being a good writer is the ability to be honest in where you are. Plus, I'm not sure that perseverence and blogging are in exactly the same sphere. I see persevence as pushing through huge obstacles when challenged and blogging is more about channeling energy when no one is pushing back. In fact, most of the time people are waiting to lift you up. Good luck finding your viagra.
Crap,I keep closing out the comment window before I hit publish. Wrote out a long response but you were saved from reading it by my error. So to summarize-YOur first responsibility is to yourself, blog hops are a type of commitment where you have to write so that might be helpful (especially since perseverence is a strength of yours), and finally whiny blogs give the rest of us a chance to either complain or offer suggestions. So, as you feel ready, write on.
Transformers! More than meets the eye!
I like how you used pop culture branding to illustrate how long you've been blogging. Very creative. I hope things settle down for you soon.
I've been blogging for 6 years now, so I know the close to burnout feel.
Blogging can be tough going. There are times I wonder if I will be able to come up with anything worth saying. I LOVE blogging, but some weeks it's tougher than others. I love the interaction with other writers and for me that is the reason I keep going.
I wish you the best of luck and hope life stops biting your behind soon.
Hang in there, Hart! The "crap" times will pass & things will get better. I could well dare to say my own crap times have passed, after many months of ...well, crap! But I guess I'd rather not jinx myself, and instead just say I know how it is to go through crap and tough times but they do inevitably end and the good times begin again!
Don't feel bad for feeling burned out. I think all your readers can understand how that feels and have been there at least once or twice!
LOL cats are very addictive and distracting. I highly agree with you there. If you do find that networking VIAGRA do be sure to share ;)
Hi Hart,
Sorry that you are having a hard time right now. Your blog is so good and you put so much into it. Sometimes I wonder how you have time to do all the rest of the stuff that you have to do.
I have been gone and then haven't been feel well, and haven't been posting as often as I usually do. I took a good long look at things and thought, huh, my blog is a reflection of me, and if I'm not doing well then it isn't either. Duh. But that insight seemed to help me. I listened to my comm enters and am going back to some of my old type of posts.
I think that your meme idea is good, and it will keep you going and interacting until you feel like going for the gusto.
God bless, and I know that things will be getting better soon. Take care,
Kathy M.
Keiba 2011 finalists
Brilliant stuff! What you have to say is really important and I'm glad you took the time to share it. What you said really spoke to me and hopefully I can learn more about it. Thank you for sharing your opinion.
I've really enjoyed having a look around your blog today, keep up the good work.
Keep Sharing...
Thank for sharing .
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I love the way the people here interact and shared their opinions too. I find it very interesting and entertaining!
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