Ten Lame excuses...
Nine procrastinations...
Eight Bloggy Squeeings...
Seven Activisms
Six Plots-a-Brewing
Four Steampunk Stories
Three Co-zies
Two Fabul-Agents
And the notice of a best selling book!
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ignore the gloppy red one... |
2)There are cookies to make!
3)I have shopping to do!
4)It's a Wonderful Life is on!
5)I overdid the eggnog!
6)I ate too much!
7)I can't move. There's a cat on my lap.
8)I'm tangled in tinsel!
9)My fingers are taped together.
10)But it's Christmas!
Those mulit-purpose excuses can be used to get out of housework, gatherings you'd rather avoid, tasks you don't want to do... possibly even a blog you didn't quite get to... but PLEASE do not use them to get out of writing... In fact use them so you can write instead...
Thanks for the excuses - may have to use one or two in the near future ;-)
I dunno, fingers tapes together is a pretty good excuse for not writing!!!!
I love...I'm tangled in tinsel! :-)
The cat on the lap thing is true for me! LOL!
Yay for most NAKED excuses! Take care
NICE!!!!! Merry Christmas, my friend!!!
I thought a cat in the lap was more like a rule, you know, like , if you have a cat in your lap then other people in the household have to get you what you need so you don't disturb the cat :)
I need a cat....
Crap, I can't use any of those excuses!
Think I'll go for #9. Happy Holidays >:)
Cold As Heaven
Teehee--Thanks guys!
I have so many excuses I don't need to go looking for them.
Write? Write? But there are cookies to eat...I mean make. And, oh how I hate shopping. I don't like it at any time, but Christmas is chaos. Have I said bah-humbug? But it's okay, the bah-humbug will disappear once both kids are home.
But there IS a cat on my lap! And he's heavy...
And that is why I am sitting beneath my Christmas tree with my laptop. There's some rewriting to be done. :-D
Merry Christmas
Hah! We're on the same track today! I'm letting it go, making time for what's important. Like writing!
love it and now I'll be singing that song for the rest of the evening with tangled in tinsel...
haha, 2 and 6 will work for me. 4 on Christmas Eve. Today was the first day I could actually blog this week.
Okay, back to the baking (and rewrite, and cleaning, and laundry...)
ROFL!! Those cookies look so yummy. I haven't overdone it yet, but I'm ready. Bring on the goodies!!!
and beer to drink!
'n, then you just don't care about making excuses ;) 'specially after the tape ran out so the pressies are kind of stuck together with stick it notes - pours another beer...
I'm going to keep them pinned to a board somewhere so I can pull one out when I need one. Also, like Tonja said, I need a cat.
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