I think LinkedIn has vicious personality transformation bots at the ready when people (and by people I mean... ME) go in there to discuss things...
I've mentioned the very odd dichotomy between the self-publishers and traditional publishers, ya?
Well that is only one of the categories on which I have strong opinions and want to lecture people... sometimes due to wrong information(this time, strangely, NOT me), but MOSTLY because the self-pub folks are such EAGER BEAVERS and there is a failure to tell people to SLOW THE FREAK DOWN. Make sure your work is EDITED, POLISHED...
And so I've been known to... erm... stongly urge people to find critique groups first, get an editor last... make sure it is FREAKING ADEQUATE TO PUBLISH... okay, so I try not to go this far.
You know... I RECOGNIZE the enthusiasm... I just finished my book, how do I find a publisher (this very second)... I GET IT...
But I think I am too bossy to play in these circles. I feel like I REALLY want to help people, but I KNOW they aren't ready to hear it yet. But if they are going to self-publish, they may never get that reality check elsewhere... It's a fuzzy line, yes?
I think about how much I deeply appreciate Colleen Gleason's reality check when I was querying my lovely 204K first book *rolls eyes* I was so SURE it was ready! I totally would have published that, had I not been intent on traditional publishing at the time...
But anyway, yesterday... it was blogging...
A discussion about all this social media not doing bipcuss for the people discussing the topic.
Erm. What?
Oh, man... They can shoot themselves in the foot and dive at publishing and make themselves look like ninnies with their never before seen by un-related eyes... but to ATTACK MY BLOGOSPHERE?
So I might have lectured that if they weren't seeing impact, they were doing it wrong *shifty*
(it's possible I was even RIGHT on the matter)
So why is it I can't just keep my bloody mouth shut? Why can't I just avoid these conversations that make me want to TEACH EVERYBODY WHAT THE HECK TO DO!? Not everyone WANTS to learn... some are offended at our tartish tone...
I know, honestly, everyone is doing the best they can. I just get frustrated with the part-sales, part naïve places that seem to be the perfect storm for making people think they know more than they do... that there is a shortcut for this process.
Any of the rest of you compelled to stick your feet in your mouth in the name of helping people? Lecture with good intentions? Overshare how people ought to do their thing?
Hart, STAY AWAY from LinkIn dicussions. Yes, it may be a "professional" network, but I tell, you, I have never experienced such unprofessional communication than I have on LinkedIn. I stay AWAY AWAY AWAY from there. I wrote a blog post about this once, not sure if you read it. Here's the link anyway: http://thealliterativeallomorph.blogspot.com/2011/05/theres-something-really-disturbing.html
It's a difficult one, because a bad self-pub can harm your chances when going the traditional route. So someone who jumps into self-pub may damage their chances at a writing career, and if you care about the writing community it's hard to let that happen.
You're right though, some people just don't want to hear it, no matter how well it's meant.
Lovely Tart!! You can lecture me anytime cos you do so most NAKEDly!! Yay!!
But seriously - I used to always get on my high horse in writers' forums and in my writing classes about what people should do and not do with their writing career thinking I was passing on wisdom as given to me by published writerly friends only to realise that I only came across as Ms Annoying Know It All without a worthy publishing credit to her name! So I shut up now. And until I am JK Rowling incarnate, I keep my mouth shut. Until then! LOL!!!!
Good luck lovely Tart! You CARE and that's what matters!! xx
I tend to stay away from discussions where I have a completely opposing opinion. Online anyway. Get me into a disagreement in real life and I often find myself regretting airing my views. The internet though, it's easy to misconstrue what has been said as there is no NVC's or intonation.
I haven't stepped into linkedin yet and I think after reading this, I may avoid it altogether.
I tend to remain silent. I might make a subtle hint, but that's about it.
Jessica-I remember that blog, and I'd never post writing for feedback over there. What's so strange though, is the place bringing it out in ME...
Christine-it's true, but I think bad self-pub not only hurts the author but everyone self-publishing... erm... you may see the horse that keeps tempting me...
Jenny-I have so been there! That is exactly the temptation! Yes... I'm Hermione...
Rebecca-see, I seem to lack that will power... Probably wise to avoid...
Alex-that makes you wiser than me...
I think I've learned to choose my words wisely, since I've opened mouth and inserted foot way to many times.
Oh Hart, I can relate! When I see someone about to do something really stupid, I speak up. I try to be tactful, but if that person doesn't want to hear it, it doesn't matter. I recently saw someone in a Facebook group about to do something that wasn't just stupid - it was illegal. I spoke up and a war ensued, and the person digressed into a rant about sticking it to the government. He didn't learn, but hopefully I saved someone else who was watching the discussion.
I didn't even know Linkin had conversations - but I don't think I'll bite into them. :)
I am a bit over the Free and 99c novel promotions that never seem to be worth reading. There are plenty of professional editing services people can use.
Anyhows, shake it off and be proud that you are dedicated to putting out only your best possible work.
Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers
As a bit of a know-it-all too, it can be very difficult not to want to help. Some people don't want to learn, and I've come to the point unless they ask my advice, I won't give it as readily as I might have in the past. Perhaps the best we can do is lead by example. :)
Never dived into Linkin discussions, and now I'm glad. You can advise and try to teach, but if someone is determined to make the mistake on their own, so be it. You must back away and let them. Especially with blogging. Blogging will never be just a platform to sell books. Blogging is an exchange.
See us exchange? :)
I don't go on writing forums of any kind any more. Why? Because there are too many victims out there and they don't want the truth - they just want pity. And pity isn't my thing. The absolute tyranny of victim-hood is amazing. I cannot stop asking people to step out of that trap and when I do - I become the victim. So - don't go there.
I still haven't joined LinkedIn and probably won't - especially now. I learned the hard way several years ago that people have their own paths to follow and there's not much I (we) can do to change their minds. So I try to avoid touchy subjects or say this is what I believe or this is what I do if I just can't keep quiet. Just today, in fact, I read what someone is doing and actually said aloud 'oh, you stupid fool'. But I didn't send a comment. This was on a blog I've never read before and will never read again.
I tend to offer suggestions in other facets of life,but not writing. I am open to learn and listen. I guess there needs to be a place for those do not want to trend water,but move forward.
ho, man. I swear, if there's one thing people DON'T want to hear it's that their books might not be ready to self-publish. I've punched that tar-baby before with disastrous results. But in other news, you KNOW I'm with you. Anyone who argues blogging does nothing for us writers is just missing out.
And I feel sorry for them. ;p ((hugs))
Crap yes! And feel like a bloody fool afterwards and wish I'd never opened my fool mouth (or keyboard as the case may be).
But equally, on the odd occasion someone has offered support for me, I'm incredibly grateful - but only if they obviously know what they're talking about. I hope that someone would warn me if they saw I was doing something naively stupid.
I'm not so good at asking for help and need to learn how to begin.
Re Linked In, Hubby is occasionally called in as an expert witness to the coroners court. He saw a discussion on LI about his area of expertise, (about how to prevent death from a particular bit of machinery) offered his two bobs worth and was basically told to go bag his head. They simply didn't want to know. It can be an odd place full of self important wannabes.
You can offer me advice any time, tartish tone or not.
I stay away from heated discussions as the other party wants to argue and not discuss something intelligently. A proverb says for a wise person not to argue with a fool because those listening will not be able to tell which one is which.
Yes, I often feel compelled to stick my neck out...and then I realise it may not be worth the bother/pain/etc.
I've also found people set up Linkd in discussions as a way of peddling their goods. Eg. Somebody asks "how does everyone go about integrating eLearning into their business?"
They then facilitate the discussion, pointing out flaws in everyone's responses while thanking them for taking the time to write. Then at the end they say "well you all seem to have the same problem, and I have the solution. Buy my product!"
Sorry, I didn't join this professional network to get sold to.... so I now stay away from those discussions.
How dare they?! I am glad you put them in their place and I hope you sent them an invite to read this post.
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