That said, I've decided to take the opportunity to amuse you. I've written down several of the word verification words I've gotten this month and made up definitions...
Artomi: my art. With a pretentious French accent.
Entheed: what you should do if a tree starts walking.
Fracy: fancy and racy at the same time!
Hydinge: when it’s more than just a little dingy.
Nuckedi: When you are naked and playing in the mud, you get good and Nuckedi.
Obbledle: It’s like when you are yodeling, but want to be more obvious about it.
Ombeadsm: someone who advocates for jewelry makers.
Pexie: A very buff pixie.
Pholly: what happens to big fat elves who need pharmaceuticals to be happy.
![]() |
I mean the little girl, if that's not clear |
Retembo: what they will call Rambo when he goes on disability.
Sychemeg: what you do to your gullible friend.
And then some time later today: Victory or Victim? I will update when I learn if I passed on in ABNA or not. They announce semi-finalists today (the last two announcements have been around 1:30 EST)
I made the list!!!! (Though I'm not sure when it is I will breathe again)
If you want to read, I am entry #19
LOL. Love your definitions of the WV 'words'. One thing that also annoys me is when you have to click into a new window before you get to the comment box. I like to have the comment box right there in the body of the post :)
Love the definitions. You learn something new every day.
Good luck with the ABNA...
Nice definitions. And good luck!
I like that you're making lemonade out of WV lemons! Good luck with the results later. :)
Excellente! You'll love the Uxbridge English Dictionary.
Hah! These are great. I've thought of doing this myself. So many strange-looking verifications...
Good luck today!
I like your descriptions. And I almost never get spam.
Fun definitions. Sometimes those words spark the imagination!
Thanks, so much, everyone!
Trisha-I sort of prefer the comments on the page, too, but that is another extra loading, so I have it set up this way.
Thanks for both the luck and the kudos!
I've never had SPAM. New A-Z follower.
Good Luck.
Wanna buy a duck
I laughed a lot at these. I especially love the nuckedi and obbledle. ;)
I hadn't even realized I had my WV turned on when this month started. As soon as I realized it was on, I turned it off.
oh good luck! I loved 'Queutie' LOL too funny
Those were great! Thanks for the early AM giggle.
I'm always amused by the captchas.
Good luck with ABNA! Fingers crossed.
I have everything - eyes, ears, nose, limbs, hair and everything, just everything - CROSSED for you!!!!!!!!
Wooo-hoo!!!! Roll on the NAKED revolution!!! Take care
Hart, some of these made me laugh out loud. Most amusing post I've read today.
Okay, you are hysterically funny and I L o V e D your definitions and I'm inspired to keep doing this thing I love (writing) and ....too much??
Um. Okay. Well. Hi. I just wanted you to know that I like your blog. So much that I made YOU my V today. It was a pleasure.
Please keep doing what you love (writing) because you ROCK!
Most of these made me laugh out loud (and I'm not one to LOL). Nuckedi did not surprise me one bit. Naked and dirty are always to be expected. Other favorites were Obbledle, Pexie, Pholly and Retembo. Good luck with ABNA!
Pexie hahahahaha! Entheed hahahaha! Okay you made my day with this post.
I like hydinge. And that mud looks niiiice.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You made the list!!!! How fabulous! I'm extremely proud of you :) *pops champagne*
Oh, and for your information, my Kindle now managed to download the sample. Not sure if it's got to do with being a semi-finalist or what, but it worked! Yay!
First off, CONGRATULATIONS!!! omg, that is so very exciting. Crossing all digits for you.
As for verification -- man, I hate it now when it comes up. With your encouragement, I turned it off our blog (and added a stop-point for any comments on posts older than 2 weeks. They go into my dashboard and I check them and allow or don't if they're spam.) We have had no problems. Knock on wood.
Ha ha! So funny.
And yay for ABNA!! DO you have your link somewhere here so I can read your excerpt? I'll check it out...
Wow! Oh WOW. Congrats and hugs all around. That's is great news.
You've been luckier than I have. I've run across loads of blogs with the WV still turned on. Don't they know it defeats the anti-spam engine blogger has put into place?
Honestly, I it gave me pause before I hit the follow button.
Thank you so much everyone, for comments and support! I've been distracted this afternoon, possibly for obvious reasons, and now I have a meeting to go to, but I will be in later to respond better!
Oh, and i DID add a link to the excerpt up there, if anyone is interested!
Congratulations, Hart. I will be saying large prayers you make it all the way. It couldn't happen to a more special lady, Roland
You realize you're going all the way with this book, don't you?
By the way, 19 is my lucky number and I am very happy to lend it to you today.
Hi, Hart! I'm a new A-Z follower, and I'm so glad I found your blog. I got such a laugh out of this post! I'm anxious to read more of your entries, very funny.
Congratulations on the ABNA list, and best of luck!
A-men to your word verification comment. In reality, it really does not affect how much spam you receive (and trust me when I tell you I am a spam master). I got more spam before I turned it off and that is the truth. It is nice to hear another voice echo my comments, so thank you.
have not been by in a few days.. I am so behind schedule.. but I love seeing what you come up with.. OH, by the way.. your daughter is adorable.. beautiful eyes.. oh, to have a girl.. but I learned that prom.. has gotten extremely expensive... so I guess I am good with a boy.. LOL
lol lol oh Yay to you tart :) XXXX
Always male flesh of some sort, Your Tartness...
Hart, congrats on moving in the semifinals!
Dwight Okita
WOW, congratulations on ABNA Hart!! That is awesome :D
you are so freakin awesome. I'm so proud of you! I'm so proud I know you! I can't breathe either.... GO, T-H!!! :D <3 <3 <3
LMAO.... Love this! My word is verification even... LOL. Stop in & read V is for Verification
This is a fun post, and with a dirty man in it too. I guess that it has just about everything then…..
All the best, Boonie
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