I create a range of characters. They are all different. They are mild mannered, wild, intelligent, care free! No one character is the same. When I write my characters somehow evolve into their own being. Some way they jump out and they’re born into my work and in each book you will fall in love with, hate or become strangely fascinated with them. I currently began writing for an online literary soap with Writer’s Inn. You check out all my work on m website, I always love to hear from my readers:
or become a Face Book fan: search under Author Tasha Wright
Inspirations to writing
My inspirations to writing are actually my Grandfather, Johnnie Henderson. He always strived to obtain everything out of life and that is something that I have always tried to mimic from him. I lost my grandfather when I was sixteen years old but I have never lost sight of the things he instilled in myself and my bothers. He has always told us to never live by what other people may think of us good or bad. Always do what makes you happy! Those words have allowed me to conquer my GREATEST dream in life and that is having the opportunity to publish my books. He is and always will be my Inspiration to writing!
Wow, congrats Tasha on your success and thanks for sharing this with us! Happy Birthday Watery Tart!;)
Happy birthday Watery Tart!! May your day be full of goodies and pressies!!!
And thank you for hosting this lovely guest blog. Thank you Tasha Wright for sharing your writing inspirations and styles!
Take care
Happy Birthday, Hart! And thanks for hosting Tasha. I love the enjoyment and enthusiasm that she's pouring into her books. :)
Calloo Callay! it's Tartlette's special day!
Hope you have lots of time to get naked and eat chocolate!
Thanks for hosting Tasha - living her passion is a wonderful inspiration.
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, everyone! And Tasha, I LOVE your goal of creating characters and then giving THEM the chaos you are trying to avoid in your own life. That is something I try to do too--keep the chaos on the PAGE... doesn't always work. And I love inspirational grandparents, having had a couple...
*giggles at Jan's chant* I'm going to be singing that today.
Happy Birthday Hart and thanks for introducing me to a 'new to me' author.
Tasha, your books sounds very interesting. Best of luck.
Thoughts in Progress
Happy birthday, Nekkid T.~
Loved the guest post; I agree writing's a great way to deal w/life (do "therapy"). I often find I do that--sometimes I'm even aware of it! Ha! :o)
Happy Birthday my dear!
How awesome, to have your grandfather be a source of inspiration is wonderful. I'm severely attached to my grandparents and they are such great motivators and one gives me priceless advice (in his own right, none of it really makes sense but I try to break the code on his riddles)
Thanks Tasha for sharing :)
Belated happy birthday hart
a wish from my heart...
and thanks for introducing tasha.
Oh, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a fantastic year - I'm sure you will.
Thanks to Tasha for suck a great interview!
Um... *giggle* I meant 'SUCH' a great interview. That was not a Freudian slip!
Thank you, so much everyone for all the birthday wishes!
Leigh, I'm giggling about the (sometimes intentional) therapy of writing--so true!
And YAY grandparents! (again)
Thank you all for stopping to visit!
Big time happy birthday, Hart!
And Tasha -- congrats on your success in writing. Keep it up.
Happy Birthday, Hart.
Thanks for celebrating with us :-)
Thank you, ladies!
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