Monday, March 14, 2011

Watch Me Have a Three Way!!!

I'm serious... the DIVINE Deb and Barbara have invited me for a three-way at their blog today. I LOVE these women... they are kind, smart, funny, classy, and FABULOUS, so I was really excited to be invited. I hope you'll come over and check us out!

(Looks like they usually post at 8am, so SOON!)


Don't Forget Tomorrow is the Delusional Doom Blogfest, in which we all predict our own deaths! (or something equally as silly, twisted, or insane) Please don't forget to stop by!

Here is the scoop:


When: The Ides of March (March 15) tomorrow
Where: Your blog and mine

Let me e'splain...

You can do ANY (or all) of the following:

Predict your own death
Predict someone ELSES death
Write your own obituary
Write someone ELSES obituary
Plot a murder of someone sorely asking for it, step by step

I don't care whether you do it by story, plot list, news article, PROPHECY (any seers in the group?). All I ask is that SAID DEATH be either very strange, unusual, bizarre...conspiratorial... or that the reporting be entertaining.

I am okay with gore, but if you choose to include it, please be considerate of other festers and post a WARNING.  And if you really ARE a soothsayer or seer, keep that stuff to yourself. Nobody wants to know... this is FOR FUN.

So join us!!!

Cold as Heaven (link above not working)

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Melissa said...

I can't wait to read all the entries tomorrow! Such a hilarious blog fest!!!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Some days I want to plot my cat's demise!

Old Kitty said...

Have a fab blogfest - truly a time to get even more Naked!!!!!

Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Will your entry be a naked death?

Deb and Barbara said...

Welcome to our place, Hart. We love you!!!

And can't wait to read the shenanigans over here tomorrow! xoxo

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Great post at "The Middle Ages," Hart! Looking forward to the blogfest fun here tomorrow. :)

Creepy Query Girl said...

Looking forward to reading the entries tomorrow! And a three way? I'm there!

Erica Mitchell said...

What a fun blogfest! I can't wait to see the entries, they will be fantastic. Off to check out the threeway! That just sounds weird...but off I go!

Hart Johnson said...


Thank you so much everyone, for the fabulous support! You're superstars!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Hart,

I have something very fun in mind.... It's in my head and I'm laughing... I hope you find it as amusing as I do.

Looking forward to all the entries....


Abhishek said...

Thanks for the blogfest, I just enjoyed creating my entry ""

but going through others is much more fun!!

with warm regards

VR Barkowski said...

I so wanted to participate in the Delusional Doom Blogfest, then I realized I would be getting on a plane in a few days and chickened out. I'm trying to think happy positive thoughts that include immortality, happy bunnies, and sunshine. La la la...

You can bet I'll be by to read though!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

A menage to titillate the mind.

Talli Roland said...

Wow - interesting blogfest! Can't wait to read your entry.

Colene Murphy said...

Whoohoo! All ready to go for tomorrow! Can't wait!

Abby Minard said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I'll hop around a little and visit to read some of the entries!

RaShelle Workman said...

The blogfest sounds fun. Can't wait to read yours. =D

Helena said...

Aack! I almost forgot the Ides of March!

I will be there and be dead manana.

LTM said...

omg omg omg, I can't wait! FUN = tomorrow!!! :D xoxo <3

Southpaw said...

I'm all set for tomorrow!

Hart Johnson said...

YAY!!! I'm thoroughly excited!

VR--totally understand the fear of airplane karma--no problem!!!

totally look forward to all the posts... I am giggling at Simon's last minute sign up... he is definitely my twin--I do that a lot.