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Art what I found here |
And so when I searched for llama and penguin... I find this BLOG post: A Penguin, an Italian and a Llama Walk into a Bar *snort* and it's a blog about cookies... mostly, but there is this joke:
What’s black and white, black and white, black and white, black and white?
It’s a penguin rolling down a hill.
*dies* I think I'm in love...
(Mari, there are Japanese culture lessons, too)
Now for the Great News
Everybody shout a big SQUEEEEEEEEE for Jenny Milchman! Jenny is one of my ABNA friends, and she is a true writer's writer—she has spent hours on hours helping promote others, helping hundreds (even thousands) of people polish their pitches—she is truly one of the good seeds. And she's had a long and often heartbreaking journey—two different books earning agents, getting publisher interest... and time and time again, killed at the editorial board level... ALMOST after SO MUCH hope has gone into it... but this week her book COVER OF SNOW was picked up by the great Linda Marrow (editor of favorites such as Nancy Pickard and others) at Ballantine! YAY for persistence and keeping atter!!!
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See, PENGUINS wear RED shoes |
Still no call, still no email... no parade, no chariot, no cabana boys bringing me a bouquet... pretty darned sure I'm out at ABNA... One day, I could pretend, but we are now into the 3rd... that short list of 6 next week will not include me...
Really Lousy News
So apparently the world is ending Saturday. Sorry about that. I'm sure glad though, to have spent the last two years getting to know Yibus. Probably won't manage to be published by then... But I suppose those are the breaks.
Erm... And When I see you Sunday, we can all mock the world's nuts... so that will be fun...
Have a great week, everyone!
Sorry you are out. It's got to hurt more that you made it this far than it did for me to be cut in the second round (though I still think one of my reviewers phoned it in and didn't even do a proper reading!).
The world is ending on Saturday? Oh dear! Thanks for letting me know, Tart. :)
Hm...so Saturday is the big day? Think I'll let the housework slide the rest of the week, then. :)
Sorry you haven't heard anything yet. I think you've done an amazing job getting this far!
Eep! I've only got three days to finish that ham in the fridge!
I say let's all get NAKED on Saturday!! Why not?!?! Last chance afterall! LOL!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww Tart!!!!! I still have NAKED hope in my heart for you!!!! It ain't over till the ampled bossomed lady sings!! So there! :-)
Take care
Major congrats to Jenny. That is fantastic news! :)
Congratulations to Jenny and big hugs to you! I need some warm embraces too. It's too cold in Sydney.
Chemical Fusion
IF the world is ending Sunday I will be content at the World Expo of Beer in the 'Muth! safe travels Tart!
The world can end Saturday. I'll be at the U2 concert that night, so at least I'll die happy. :)
Love the penguin joke!
I'm excited to get to meet you.
Hang in there Tart....
No news is good news. You might be last on their list. And for whatever reason they were stupid enough NOT to pass you through to the finals, there are contracts from others on the horizon. Semi finalist is NOTHING to sneeze at in this contest.
So thrilled for Jenny!!! And am still pulling for you :)
See you on the other side!
Thank you, Hart :) I was trying to figure out if I was a llama or a penguin. Anyway...thank you, Ciara, and Deb and Barbara, and Enid...Now onto ABNA. First, I am wowed and impressed that you've made it this far. It's a huge accomplishment. I know that only means the stakes are higher if/when you do get cut. But still--something to revel in. Second, are you sure?? Third, you have a lot of different irons in this publishing fire. One thing my own sale tells me is that we never. know. which book will sell when. If we keep writing and polishing, one will break through.
And if we get so fed up as to not want to give it, oh, 11 years, there's this great new proving ground, a real e-volution going on, and it's got its own unique virtues to offer.
Now go off and don't think about anything, unless you happen to be wrong about this!!
Hugs from here to all,
If Jenny's amazing success story proves anything, it's that persistence (and being really, super, amazingly nice) pays off. Even if you don't make it via the ABNA route I'm sure there is a book deal out there somewhere for you.
There are a LOT of roads, Johanna, you are exactly right :) Thanks, btw. Writers are the nicest community of people I can imagine. So supportive and uncompetitive. It's like everyone really understands that the more good books are out there, the better it is for us all.
BTW, I'm putting a blog post up about the story behind the story of my sale. Hope Hart won't mind if I post a link if anyone is interested...
You and your shoes have a good time!
Congrats to Jenny - and to you too for getting this far - it's amazing you've done this, don't go into mourning (I'll send you a cabana boy in the post)!!!
Don't let those shoes get you into trouble now!
Great news for Jenny! But don't count yourself out of ABNA yet. Then again, your book got so very far in the competition you're sure to get an agent/publisher interested in it. Good luck as always.
Sorry to hear you're out.
Re the world ending Saturday - damn - it's hubby's birthday Sunday, better celebrate early. Sue
very cool about your friend, and you know, you DO have an agent, missy. You're not really "out" of anything~
So the world's ending Saturday. Puts a lot into perspective~ :D ((hugs)) glad I know/knew ya! <3
Thank you, Laura!
Thanks, Helen :) Agree about ABNA. And getting this far in ABNA will open other doors...
I'm sorry about ABNA!
A big congrats to Jenny. It's so good to know persistence can pay off.
Hope you have a great trip...
Are you out, or have you just not heard yet? I'm still crossing all my appendages for you!
That penguin joke made me snort. Sorry you are out :( Hope you have a nice trip with lots of pretty shoes and marriage proposals :)
I saw your name, Talli, and felt a jolt, like someone famous had dropped by. (There may be other famous people--as Hart will tell you, I'm totally out of it). Anyway, Hart had reminded me of your virtual book launch, Talli. I would love to learn more about that. I wonder if you'd have any interest/time to do a guest post about it on my blog? Anyway, if you see this, or get a moment, please email me at jenny(at)wedeskyull(dot)com Thanks! And thanks for your congrats!
Keep your chin up, girlie. Your ABNA entry is amazing from what I've read. Oh, and the world won't end on Saturday because Oprah's last show doesn't air until the 25th.
Well, if the world is ending, at least you are going out with a penguin bang.
It's 9:45 on Saturday, and we're still here!!
So did you say yes to the marriage proposal?
The publishing industry is frustrating, especially when she gets these dead end leads. Hopefully something will come through for her . . . and me.
I didn't even know the world possessed 2 pairs of silver shoes, let alone one person!! And hey, you made it to semifinals with what you've openly admitted wasn't a completely polished ms. That takes some talent, sweetie. You're going places. Apparently, in silver shoes. :)
*waves to Jenny and throws confetti*
I completely agree with Erica, Hart. Talent abounds. Just a little whittling and honing...
[waving back, tossing confetti too, confetti's fun]
*hugs all around*
Thank you so much everyone, for stopping in in my absence... I've read everything, but think my response is best done hopping to all your blogs. I am really going to try to make good this week...
Erica--I have 5 pairs of silver shoes. It is easily my most prevalent shade. Keep in mind I keep things until they die... but yeah, silver goes with pretty much everything. (and I LOVE it--have since college)
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