Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blissful 24

Some days it just seems like the sun shines a little brighter and things are going my way. I know this is my fitness day, and that is part of the bliss and I will get there, but I had a bigger boost that I want to talk about for a minute first...

Cozy Chapter Feedback

She likes it! MY AGENT likes the chapters! I figure that HAS to be a good sign, since she represents some of these, so she has a feel for what is wanted in the genre. Look, this is exactly what she said, pasted from the email: “Wow, you did a fantastic job with this!  I think you got the characters, tone and story exactly right –"

Can you see why I am happy dancing today?

It will be more than a week before we can get it to the editor as the editor is out of town, which also plays well. I will do my edits this weekend, but then will be able to follow my CONSPIRACY plan and write like made, hopefully getting the draft done (or nearly) before I hear back on whether to go ahead with this.

So now to the fitness stuff...

That Can't be Right! [well okay, maybe he's right for a lot of things... I found him under weight loss motivation tips, and I can certainly see how THAT could be. Hummina hummina...]

Sometimes something is so awful it couldn't possibly be true, and sometimes it is just too good. This morning was one of those too good to be true moments on the scale. It seems completely implausible I would have lost 6.5 pounds last week, yet according to the scale, I did.

Now I could happy dance and just take it as a freak fabulous happening, and I may decide to do just that, but I also can't quite leave alone looking for an explanation.

Last Week Falsely High?

I know I lost pretty handily last week, but after a week UP and very good behaviors... and... Okay, I have a confession. I know I'm only supposed to weigh on weigh in day because weight goes up and down, but I weigh myself every day, so I know before last week's weigh in, I'd been almost 3 pounds LIGHTER so compared to THAT, I am only down 3.5 from THAT.

Is This Week Falsely Low?

I suspect yes. I had a few celebratory glasses of red wine last night and woke up feeling pretty darned dehydrated. Unlike most weeks, today is the lowest day I've seen... in fact it is the lowest weight I've seen in 2 years. For the last two years I've started the year dieting, then lost my ability to follow some time in mid March (last year's effort was particularly lame) but 2008 I got down to today's weight minus 3 pounds for about a week before it started going back up.

On the way UP, I think I first hit this in 2006...

So it's good... VERY good... Maybe too good, but at least I am psychologically prepared if there is no movement, or a slight up from here...


ViolaNut said...

Just keep reminding yourself that you want to look hot in your author photo on the dust jacket. :-) I have a milestone too - I wore a skirt today that hasn't fit for 4 years. It's a size 0. :-D

Hart Johnson said...

Holy crap! Size 0 didn't even exist when I flew past it... Good for you! And yes... being a nudist and all, it's crucial to be a decent weight when I have my book cover photo shoot!

Jan Morrison said...

wonderful news on all fronts! The writing front and the nude front and back! Yay! I, on the other hand, am fat and procrastinating...

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Great news! You deserve some happy dancing! :)

Mystery Writing is Murder

Hart Johnson said...

*snort* Jan, you are not! You might have taken a break, but you are NOT fat or procrastinating!

Thank you, Elizabeth! Definitely happy dancing!

Jan O'Hara (Tartitude) said...

Definitely two reasons to celebrate! Just make sure you do it with celery, not chocolate. ;)

Srsly, congratulations! I'd be doing the happy dance too.

Helena Soister said...

Congrats big time on the glorious agent feedback. And lots more happy dancing to you. (Happy dancing speeds weight loss, ya know.)

Hart Johnson said...

Thank you so much, ladies!--yeah---celebrations these days are more time splurges than calories splurges, though periodically a square of dark chocolate doesn't hurt too badly!