And this month, one of my fabulous blogger buddies, Heather (who is NotHannah) is holding down the fort, so to speak. I suffer from something called FOMS (fear of missing something) so OF COURSE I am participating, but I'd like to encourage all of YOU to participate, too!
So what IS NaBloWriMo? (It's not actually naughty, at least not by definition) Simply this. Post a blog every day in October. It is good for discipline (and we all can use a spanking now and again) and a great way to increase your network, as there is a fabulous smorgasborg of participants involved.
I participated last year, as a relatively new blogger, and it was my first growth spurt of people I didn't have prior connections to, so I encourage you, especially if you are newish to blogging, to COMMIT.
1) Go http://nablowrimo.blogspot.com/
2) Pick up the button (which I LOVE, by the way--nice and fally! Fall-ee? Fall like? Autumnesque? Yeah... I'm going with Autumnesque.
3) Email: NotHannah (at) comsouth (dot) net
Easy peasy!
Erm... other than that you then ALSO are supposed to write a blog every day in the month of October, but you can do it... get creative!
Obstacles and Excuses Debunked
But I'm GONE
Last year Mari was traveling a significant portion of the time... she dedicated a weekend before she left and wrote about nine blogs, then scheduled them, one a day, so she didn't have to count on computer access from the road/air/Tart House.
I Don't Have Enough To Say
DO! (This is a good test of persistence and creativity and it's good for you). You are allowed to fall back on sharing pics, funnies, telling family stories... whatever you need. You have PLENTY to say!
I Don't Have the Discipline!
DUH! What do you think it the POINT?! Developing discipline! (Erm, other than the making a lot of cool groovy friends part).
I Have to Make Halloween Costumes!
You mean to tell me you are not subjecting your children to the character building exercise of putting together their OWN darned costume? How on EARTH will they survive college without having obtained this scrappy skill? Not that mean? Go behind a grocery store, get a box the size of your child. Buy some paint and make them into their favorite snack. Two hours, tops (unless the cat gets in the paint, but never mind). Crayons are also popular... dress all in same color. Use black construction paper to make color letters, and a cone head.
But I'm Committed to NaNoWriMo in November
Join the club, my friend! This is good PRACTICE (not nearly the same level of commitment, honestly) and a good way to find buddies also doing NaNoWriMo.
So what are you waiting for?
Why did I never think of crayons? That's what my kids are going as the next time they need to go as anything!
I'm definitely going to try! Love the button too:)
Natasha, I think the crayon idea is one that comes from the desparation of trying to put together a costume in a dorm room 300 miles from your typical supplies, but it is cute and easy!
Alexandra- YAY! It is a fun one!
I just can't see myself joining in. It sounds fun, but the day job is just so damned intrusive at the moment :-(
sounds like a challenge.. hm I will try it. NO I WILL CONQUER IT.
That sounds like fun--but I'm sticking to my guns. I don't blog on the weekends. That's my only me time!
Have fun with your month of October though!
Ha! One year my big brother was a 'bag man'. Seriously, he wore brown paper bags as a a vest, pants and a lunch bag hat. It was my favorite costume he ever wore.
I may try blowrimo, quite possibly just to clear the backlog of half started drafts on my blog list.
I don't have my own blog, so won't be joining in on NaBloWriMo, although I WILL say that in 7th grade FIVE of us dressed as crayons... and the part that took forever to make was the Crayola box we all went out in (well, that and the marching song we were singing to make sure we didn't fall all over ourselves while walking around in a box with four other people ;-) ). Of course, that was the year of the bloody "Perfect Storm" - but we'd put so much effort into it that we went anyway, and got TONS of candy 'cause pretty much all the other kids stayed home. ;-)
A blog post every day, that's gonna be too much for me. Then it would be just like work. And I don't have enough ideas to write something every day, I think >:)
Cold As Heaven
SY and Maria--yay for a couple takers!
The rest of y'all--I may wear you down... All the cool kids are doing it! (though I get it)
Leanne-you could always START a blog! LOVE that you were all crayons in the same box!
What would I be waiting for? Two blog-writers are awesome for creativity and conversation, but not so easy for quantity. Scheduling 3 posts a week is challenging enough!
Can't wait to read your offerings though! B
Sounds like a great challenge. I blog everyday anyway, but I think the theme is nice.
you so crazy! And I love playing around w/the blog combos. Like I thanked all my bleeps the other day... (blog peeps) and I like sharing the blove (similar to smelling the glove)...
girl. I'm going to have to not do this one, but you know I'll be coming around~ more scantily clad men, please~ <3 :D
GOOD LUCK to everyone doing this!!! I've got my own discipline going now - I tend to blog write everyday (except when the flu virus pummels me into sickly inertia) apart from the weekends. They're my wip days! :-) And they're sacred!! LOL!
So although I'll pass for this, I'll always be here there and everywhere, lurking away cheering you on!!!
Take care
I'll be blogging daily the second half of October due to my book tour, so I can probably do the whole month. Let me get through Monday's blogfest and then I'll sign up.
And Hart, Ithink you'll get a kick out of the guest post I wrote for you. You'll laugh. Water might even come out your nose!
Barbara-With our Burrow stuff I KNOW coordinating more than one is much harder than just doing something yourself, so I get it! (maybe you guys could alternate the other days solas? (can't blame me for trying, eh?)
Clarissa-YAY! Hopefully that means you're in?
Leigh--LOVE Blove... teehee. Scantily clad men, eh? Maybe you should BRIBE me with a daily blog?! *shifty*
Jenny, you're doing great! And yes... need that WiP time, but are you sure you can't take ONE ITTY BITTY WAFER THIN NaBloWriMo?
Alex--EXCELLENT! If you want, on the day you're HERE, I can be THERE if that helps?! Looking forward to seeing it!
I might post it in my sidebar...I always feel like I'm cheating because I know I'll post every day anyway--like a Tart I know! :)
Yeah, yeah... there's that... though sometimes I skip a Sunday... but most months I am only one or two posts shy of daily. I like the camaradarie of a group activity though! (the FOMS, remember?)
great,try sure gonna concur..............
I blog almost every day, but thinking about this makes me break out into a cold sweat. I guess it's that word commitment. He and I have had "issues."
Running late, but NaBloWriMo sounds like an event I could get into. Thanks.
Thoughts in Progress
Hey Hart - I'm going to give it a whirl! *fingers crossed - and toes* My computer will be functional!!!!
I was planning on something like this since this October is my one-year blogiversary. ‘Cept weekends. Do you have to do weekends?
It's all your fault. You enabler and enticer you :-D
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