Saturday, April 27, 2013

Xanthidae and X-ing it Off

This crab's name is Neville [source]
Xanthidae is a branch of the crab family...

And I'm a crab. Or rather a cancer, but I identify. They are strange and a little scary, crabs... what with the sideways motion and pinchy bits, but I think they are just misunderstood.

The zodiac gives two crabby metaphors that seem very fitting:  1)  they are crusty on the outside, but very soft inside... true. and 2) a crab will lose its arm clinging to a rock--it is that determined. But if it in fact DOES lose the arm, it is the rare creature that can grow a new one.  Those things are fitting for cancers...

Like this... only writing stuff... camping and painting? pshhhhh
X-ing it Off

What? I did X-files and Xenophile in past years, I gotta go somewhere...

But I DO love lists... and what I love about lists is they make me feel productive... you know how I feel productive?  By X-ing things off the damn list!?


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Today I only have two things on my list and I'm working on one of them right now.
I like days like this!

Unknown said...

Good job with X! (My daughter has hermit crabs, and we're forever marveling over her adoration to them. But I think you're right--we just don't understand the crusty appeal of the crustacean.)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I always have a list of things to do. Feels great to cross items off. Funny, if I do something major that's not on the list, I'll write it down and then cross it off. LOL

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Prioritizing is so important. I know that from hardly ever doing it! Don't forget Xena! Hey, it's a guy thing. :-)

Christopher Allen said...

I used to hate lists. I used to make a point of not thinking horizontally. Lists help now as I grow old. And I do love crossing things off.

VR Barkowski said...

I've elevated this to my favorite "X" post ever. Let's not kid ourselves. Lists aren't about organization or prioritizing. They're all about the satisfaction of X-ing it off. Yes! Feels so good!

VR Barkowski

Helena said...

I love my lists -- they keep me almost sane. And oh yes, x-ing off lines on my lists feel so good.

I've never seen a crab with such a gorgeous shell. Kinda art nouvea style.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Hart - regrettably I have lots on my list of to dos .. but I keep working at it ..

Crab I love to eat .. I hope Neville lived a long life!

Cheers Hilary