Tuesday, April 12, 2016

J is for J is just dumb


Just fiction. the jackalope
So know how I am asking all of you for your wisdom on book promo topics this month? I looked and looked and found THREE J things that all start with “just”. Anybody who has been in the writing business since late this morning knows Just is the word you NEVER use with good writing. Who ARE these people?

I considered Jabberwock, as what marketing plan doesn't require a bit of nonsense, but I spend all yesterday at a summit for work and my sense of whimsy is strained.

And then my computer was jinxed... It died half way through post writing...

So my J day is going to go like this. Do you know a DARNED THING that helps with book promo that starts with J?

If not, I am just going to thank Jan, one of my favorite beta readers...

Now go see somebody with a better attitude...


Optimistic Existentialist said...

This post is "J"ust awesome ;)

Cheers from Germany.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Jane Friedman or Janice Hardy's sites.

Jan Morrison said...

Jumping Jehosaphat! Jealousy - yes, jealousy! Follow your jealousy and see where it leads. If you are jealous that someone has gotten great promo for their novel - follow that jealousy and see what they did.
Or...justify. Justify your choices for promotion before you meet the naysayers. Think it through because you have so many choices and confidence is a necessity. So justify.
Or...jump at every opportunity - especially those that scare you. Frightened of talking up your book - then join (another j word)a talkers group (toastmasters used to be great). Talk about your book to anyone who will listen - to refine your yack. Yep - JumP!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Jello in your ice-cream. What? Treats are good for you and marketing is tough enough.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I second Jane Friedman!

Arlee Bird said...

I hate it when the so-and-so's say that using just is a no-no. I like the word "just". I'm going to just keep using it anyway. Just to spite those naysayers.

My word to add to your lexicon of promotion terms is "juggle". When marketing you have to juggle time and juggle duties. Effective marketing requires keeping a lot of balls in the air in the short window of fresh marketing time you have.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Just do it!