Monday, April 18, 2011

Ottoman Orgasm

But first... My friends are quite insane, which you may already know. But yesterday on FB, there was some discussion as to lack of an O topic... Cruella had suggested Ottoman, but Tara wasn't biting... and then I entered the convo saying WHAT besides Orgasm was there to TALK about? Tara had been thinking that was OF COURSE the obvious one (Tara and I sharing certain dementation qualities) but you know... It was... OBVIOUS... so the three of us agreed (or rather thought Cruella was onto something when she suggested it) we REALLY ought to discuss Ottoman Orgasms, as that's just a little less obvious *shifty*

Now you really should also read THEIR blogs, as I'm sure our takes on Ottoman Orgasms is quite different, even if none of us could stop laughing when we agreed on the subject...

Giraffability of Digressions
Princess of Procrastination

OH!  And this just in. Rayna joined us at Coffee Rings Everywhere!

Now this is a tricky topic, as Ottoman has two meanings... (both in Orange)

There is an Ottoman (with corresponding penis-shaped chair)--yes, the footrest is an ottoman...

And the Ottomans (actually, I am assured the orange designates these as Dutch, but the lederhosen are a pretty sure sign they are at least ottomatons...(you know, of the Ottoman empire)... (and I can't help but be a little curious as to how the 4th man manages the full tiger face in his pants...)

Not being terribly picky about the source of my orgasms... *cough* I thought maybe both were worth exploring...

As for Ottomans...

According to private Baldrick, World War I began because Archie Duke shot an ostrich because he was hungry. He makes a very convincing argument, if you'd like to see it... Which is funny, but not quite orgasmic...

I think though, it is possible this guy might do it for me...

The OTHER Ottoman is really more a matter of technique, I think...

The footrest definition is well known, and the look of it doesn't matter much, but... An ottoman equipped with... Maybe one of these... would be much more enjoyable...

Or a set of these... Italians and Ottomans makes it international, yeah? Good for the World Domination plans!

Though this fellow here promises to bring out the full range to which an ottoman might be used... creativity is ALWAYS helpful. And you know what his image file was called? O. Just O... Talk about a promise I'd like to hold him to!

Hey, it was O. What did you expect!?


Anonymous said...

um...Please,Miss, what's an ottoman? Or am I being a bit thick? lol Great post!

Old Kitty said...

The Story of O?

NAKED Orange Ottomans are the best!! With extra padding!!! (Not that I'd know but I'd like to think so anyway!!).

Take care

Amber T. Smith said...

Hahahaha! Man I'd LOVE to know what you type in the search bar when you're looking for certain pictures. *snort*

Excellent orgasmic ottomans, Tami! *hi-fives*

Hart Johnson said...

Niki-don't they use the term in NZ? It is the matching footrest for the chair...


Tara, the wilder of these were found searching for lederhosen *shifty*

Rosemarie Benintend (Summertime Rose) said...

I simply love the tiger face.

But as for most of those guys: if they were posing for women, I'll be a monkey's...ottoman.


Liz said...

Darling! as the Wench--I've LIVED amOngst the Ottomans, and I can vOuch for some seriOus hOtness (remind me to tell yOu about Hakan, Istanbul's HOttest Rug Guy--he's stOry fOdder fOr sure!) and Of cOurse I knOw the O-gasms backwards, fOrwards and upside dOwn (am subbing FlOOr Time as a request Once I get time to make my editor's fixes but the Beer Biz if kicking my Wenchie Arse at the mO!) Hell, I've even invented new wOrds fOr them at times.
Clue me in next time yOu cOnsider either One of these fine Original tOpics .

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

All I can say is Only you!
Great way to start the week. Thanks.

Cruella Collett said...

*snorts at lederhosen*

You crack me up, Tamster, and YES - you corrupted me! I was all sweet and innocent before you came along ;)

Hart Johnson said...

Rosemarie-not into posers eh? *snort*

Oh, Liz-fabulous comment! BUWAHAHAHAHAHA! Then I KNOW you know the Orgasms *snicker* Hot Rug Guy sounds like he needs his own story.

Mary-Thankfully only me?

Cruella-Well if your corruption can be attributable to me, then YAY ME! teeehee

jkraus8464 said...

I feel as though I need to go to "Ottomans R Us" and get me an Ottoman. Whatever kind. Great post. Much to my liking. Very very clever.

Natasha said...

You and only you could have come up with this, Tami.
Now off to check out your partners in crime.

And after that, I need to type out my own O post- all I can think of now is one word :-(

Luanne G. Smith said...

Well, I'll never look at the ottoman in the living room the same way again. O_O

Laura Eno said...

There is no other fit subject for O. :) Love the guy in the ropes!

VR Barkowski said...

Ha! I'd planned to do O is for Orgasm, then thought, no, Tarty will have that covered. You did not disappoint!

Michelle Gregory said...

your orange ottoman made me think of a Tantra chair, which is not really an ottoman, but a really cool lounge-type thing upon which you can have an orgasm. did i really say that? my blogging friends are bringing out my wild side.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What, no orgasm? Or was that too obvious for the Naked Tart?

Hart Johnson said...

Jeanne-Ottoman's R Us! *snort* Nice... maybe skip the lederhosen...

Rayna-yes, it is my plan... this mind control *shifty* (you will do fine!)

LG-I know, right? Might have to bring ours out from the basement!

VR-Well you still could! Glad to have filled the gap, though...

Michelle *giggles* Yes, we can do that... lead others into trouble, or at least innuendo...

Alex--did you miss it? Maybe I needed to scream louder!

Alison DeLuca said...

I just couldn't WAIT to dash here today and see what was the Story of O!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I love your blog. You have such great choices in pictures. /sigh. You are my favorite :) said...

You O post's so good for me, you've got a new follower.

TS Hendrik said...

I'm confused, I came here expecting to see furniture having sex. haha

Hart Johnson said...

Alison-teehee--thank you!

Micheal-AWWWWW--thank you!

Robyn-YAY! And back atcha! (went over and followed)

TS--believe me, if they HAD those pictures, I would have included them. Sadly, I only have ONE ottoman at home, so I would have been hard to create them myself...

Unknown said...

Ok I am totally lost as I do not know what either word means. Well, I didn't so thank you for the enlighted experiance and education that I am truly in need of! Shifty my A.. *bleep*

Marjorie said...

I'm really sorry I missed that conversation I really am! This post was loads of fun.

Helena said...

Your website is such a nice, respectable way to get some naked men pictures while I'm at work.

Anonymous said...

Um .... I don't know what to say except congrats! on your 500th follower.

Hart Johnson said...

Siv-you don't think I'm shifty? Well I might have to take that as an endorsement!

Marjorie-it is rare to have quite the right timing but there is a similar one going on now... It's on Natasha's wall...

Helena-respectable? Me? TAKE THAT BACK! *snort* I do try to keep it PG though... usually...

Stephen-thank you! You always seem to stumble in here when I am being tartiest...

Jessica Bell said...

Oh. My. God. I could say something really rude about that chair but I'll bite my tongue!!!!

Laura said...

O my giddy aunts! I've come over all funny :)
off for a cold shower... maybe I just have a strange ottoman fetish eek

The Yard Bard said...

O my God! O my eyes! I swear on all that is holy to never wear orange spandex...

At least it wasn't a cold day.

Southpaw said...

O didn’t have me worried. It’s those letters at the end of the alphabet that have me concerned. You did very nicely with “O”.

Hart Johnson said...

Jessica-you don't LIKE rude chairs? *snort* (not bothered at all though, by the half naked men... it's the rude chair... just so we're clear...

Laura-that 'oh my giddy aunts' cracks me up. My aunts weren't the giddy sort... one was a 'share the vodka aunt, and the others of a more serious bent... but YAY for Ottoman fetishes!

YardBard-probably a good promise... at least if you aren't superlean and attending an event of an orange team, but either way, probably some underthings are advised...

Holly-yes, you're used to my antics... though occasionally I behave...

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

I'll take two, please. (=

Anonymous said...

Nice one!

Sylvia said...

Oh my! Perfect post to read while waking up! :) I once hot asked to marry an ottoman :) he was sooo gorgeous

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Wow. I like your blog. Very much.

Hm. That was SO nice. Who knew ottomans could be quite so...vivid?


Deniz Bevan said...

Hilarious post! Um, okay, I know the internet is forever, so this may come back to haunt me... but the hero of my romance does happen to be an Ottoman, you know... Ask my heroine what he's like [evil grin]

Jan Morrison said...

I'm beyond reading at this stage but the eyecandy was delicious. especially the one with the tattoo. yummy. I'd go head to head on an ottomon with him any day. well, but not any day soon because of the sweet patootie but ya know - in my naked mind.