Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hugs from the Naked Chick

I’ve been told that I am a GREAT hugger. I’m tall and have long arms and can engulf just about anyone in safe softness. I guess that squishy thing may be at the heart of the matter here. There will always be a lot of me. But when someone who doesn’t know me is looking at the lineup of hugs being offered, they don’t know that sometimes more is more. At first glance it can be intimidating… there is too much. Do you see where I’m going? My novel, like me, is large. Thick characters steeped in deep relationships, and all of it has to do with a complex, carefully woven plot. If engulfs and embraces and gives pleasure, but it is more than someone unfamiliar with me is quite prepared for. Trimmed of the fat, it will still be an Amazon Queen, but in that delicious, tempting way a stranger may be more willing to give a try. I’ve trimmed an average of a thousand words a chapter thus far (only 7 in, of 35) and it hurts a little, but only those who love me deeply will miss it. I figure my long range goal is to have a wide readership who can’t get enough of me, so I can give up the diet and dish the hugs and novels as they were meant to be, but in the beginning, it is inevitably about aesthetics. That said, I am taking applications for a personal trainer, dietician, and masseuse. I will also listen to offers from Sugar Daddies so I have time to both trim the fat, and work on my next project. Men uncomfortable with their feminine side need not apply.


Natasha said...

I just love how you put it.
And I adore you!

Hart Johnson said...

Thank you, my Thursday twin! And I adore you back. The hug analogy just seemed so apt here...

gaeDarkwriter said...

I'll take and give back all the hugs you put out there. Doesn't it make for a much happier and fullfilled world?