So Chris and I've been friends a few
years now and I've always enjoyed his humor and enlightening
meanderings—he is an ex-pat living in Germany, but does a lot of
other traveling, too, so he sees interesting things and offers an
enlightening (usually entertaining) perspective. But I don't think
until he sent me a copy of Conversations with S. Teri O'Type
that I'd read his fiction. It is satire and I am about a third
through, my reading pile being larger than my time allotment... but
So today I'm pleased to be Chris's
FIRST!!! I mean, erm... be his first blog hop stop to kick off his
release and offer a sneak peek... (does that make you feel naughty,
you peepers, you? *cough* Sorry, just trying to enhance the mood).
Seriously, the PREMISE is divine... Poor Curt is a gay man, sorely
lacking in gay shiek—so lacking people keep confusing him for
straight and he can't get a date... so this is the story of his
mentoring at the hands of college roommate S. Teri O'Type...
seriously funny stuff. Just give it a look:
In the Beginning
was the Icon
I’m Curt Child,
and this story is a conversation with Teri, my oldest and—according
to Teri—my gayest friend. And that’s why I’ve come back to him
after all these years. For help. I’m hopelessly dysfagtional
as Teri puts it. I’m a gay man who just can’t seem to get gay.
Not in the attracted-to-men-with-great-asses way, but in all the
other ways that make a gay man so fab—Teri’s
word again—which I reckon is short for fabulous,
but I’m never sure about these things.
Life was hard for me
as a child. I wasn’t graced with impeccable taste or beautiful skin
or even those large searching eyes. I wasn’t even born with the . .
. what’d you call it again? The . . . the—
“Oh, Curt. Again?
You know I don’t like repeating myself.” Teri sighs and puffs, as
only he can. “CurtCurtCurt. The innate knowledge of the importance
of moisturizing, honey. Are you writing this down?” He’s repeated
it four or five times today, but I just can’t seem to absorb it.
Teri giggles.
It took me forever
to understand why we look better in low-rise jeans. OK, I still don’t
fully understand, but I’ve taken Teri’s
word for it: we look thinner. But how does it work?
Anyway, this is the
story of my journey toward . . . toward—
“Great and
gracious pop princess, Curt! Greater gayness, greater gayness,
greater gayness. Breathe it in, breathe it out.”
OK, so Teri, my
gayru, as he likes to call himself, is going to give me lessons in .
. . in—
“How to remember who you
are? Where you fit in?”
“Could we call it
something simpler?”
Teri bows his head
in prayer. “Oh Prominent Female Pop-Music Goddess, help Curt
narrate his journey more gayly. Help him, Oh PFP-MG, to connect with
that one teensy-weensy gay cell in his rolly-poly body. Amen.” He
raises his head and gives me the thumbs-up to continue narrating.
Right. See,
Teri has this sexosophy. He tells me that just because I’m into
men—mainly tall men with blond hair—this does not mean I’m
necessarily gay per se;
and when I ask him to define what he means by per
se, he winces and sighs and puffs, as
only he can.
“Oh, CurtCurtCurt,
you have such a long, long, LONG road ahead.”
“We,” I correct.
“We have such a long, long, LONG road ahead.”
This redefinition of
gayness, as I call it—Teri adamantly refuses to call it a “re”
definition—has kind of taken over my whole life. Yesterday
everything was so clear: I liked guys, therefore I was gay. But then
along comes Teri, and there’s a whole world of greater gayness out
there that I’ve somehow missed.
“Totally missed,”
Teri gushes. “Like you were never even close! Over the rainbow?
You’ve never even seen the rainbow. You wouldn’t know a rainbow
if it bonked you on your balding head! Follow the yellow-brick road?
You’re a million miles away from the road. There’s like a jungle
of flesh-eating zombies between you and The Road.”
“Lost me.” What
does being gay have to do with rainbows and roads? And zombies? It’s
like the first day of school and I’m the only kid who can’t read.
Beginnings are always hard, but I’m beginning to think I’ve
missed the gay cruise entirely, if you know what I mean. And I guess
you know what I mean better than I do myself. I guess I just lack—
“Style?” Teri
barks. “Gaytuition, gaygiene, the truth of homocabulary? The mien
of haughty intelligence? Did I mention style?” Teri taps his right
temple with an imaginary pencil.
“That was the first
thing you barked.”
where’s your dog?” Teri asks.
“I don’t have
one? Where’s yours?”
“Cary Grant’s getting
his nails done.”
This isn’t fair.
Do I really have to have a dog? All I want is a guy to come home to,
one who’ll have a silly nickname for me and rub my back without me
having to beg. A one-plus-one-is-one situation like Dear Old Dad and
Dear Old Mom have back in North Carolina. That’s all I’ve ever
wanted. It’s just so hard to find a guy when all the guys I know
are straight, and I think they think I’m straight too. I guess I
could just tell them, but I never seem to find the right time. It’s
not like I go around saying, “Hi, I’m Curt Child. Nice to meet
you. I’m gay.” Right? Who does that?
“First, Curt, we
in the O’Type family don’t think in equations; and fifth, we
don’t have straight friends; and second, you have to have a Jack
Russell or a mutt you saved from the animal shelter—like when a
famous pop-music goddess adopts an impoverished toddler—preferably
I fold my arms: the
universal sign of disbelief and defensiveness, which Teri immediately
deflects by holding forth for an hour and twenty minutes on the
“generally accepted fact: Cute
little girlfriend does not a straight boy make.” It seems like a
tangent from the dog discussion, but I
have to concur. I used to be one, with one, though wasn’t one. Like
a one-plus-one-is-zero situation, I reckon.
talking in numbers again, Curt. Here’s the point, Mr. Bland Banana:
You weren’t one.” Teri gives me a big, sappy smile.
“But you know what
I mean.”
“I do . . . but do you?”
“Stop it.”
We both sigh in
unison, which Teri says is a good omen, and make an appointment for
our first lesson in Greater Gayness next Tuesday.
”It’s a start,”
Teri whispers in my ear, which is creepy
and wet.

Oh this reminds me of "Too Wong Foo..." and the Four Steps to Being a Drag Queen until then "you're just a boy in a dress"!! LOL!!
Yay for Christopher Allen!! This excerpt has totally grabbed my attention and I'm passing it on to my GBF (gay best friend?!?! I do have one!! Yay!! ).
Take care
He's been in Chicken Soup for the Soul? Impressive.
HAH! This sounds hilarious!
this post was HILARIOUS!! It's so impressive Christopher was nominated for a Pushcart. WOW!!!!!
Hi Hart I'm stopping by from Creepy Query girl's blog. It's so nice to meet you. Now off to check out your other posts and follow you.
Kitty-HA! Love the comparisons!
Sarah-I think you'll love it!
Rachel-Yay for new friends! And the whole book goes along keeping it up--very funny stuff.
If the book is anything like this post, I can see why you call it hysterical. I cracked up! I have to check it out!
I've been on the road all day. Thank you so much for reading this sneak peek, everyone! And thank you, your Tartness! Two more sneak peeks are coming in the next few days during the blog tour.
I've been on the road all day. Thank you so much for reading this sneak peek, everyone! And thank you, your Tartness! Two more sneak peeks are coming in the next few days during the blog tour.
That's a pretty good back and forth. Very fun read. :)
Great, Chris. Been rather busy with UK trip and my own writing so missed the point of all the emails. Will keep reading now though.
Sia-the tone totally sticks--very much like this first chapter.
Chris-I hear you! Twice! *snort* Sorry. Couldn't resist.
LG-it really is great--totally snappy and quick like that. The dog even has dialog but SHHHH.
Chris-YES! Catch up! erm... I mean welcome!
Great to see this kicking off in style! Can't wait to see more of the tour... :)
Hi, Michelle! Thank you! Style indeed. Hart's blog is one of my favorites.
dysfagtional will never stop being funny. Nor will the rest.
Oh, my, "homocabulary" about knocked me off my seat! Love it!
Thank you, Mark! :)
Gina! Great that you stopped by. I hope you didn't hurt yourself! :)
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